Princess Party for Two

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Writer’s block is a terrible disease. Thoughts swirl around in your brain, collide into one another, desperate to find a way out and onto paper (or in my case the computer screen) but despite all your best efforts they remain stranded inside.  The cursor blinks incessantly, taunting you, daring you to put your thoughts into paragraphs, but still… nothing. Every so often you find your fingers dancing wildly on the keyboard, quickly attempting to write, but within seconds the delete button calls your name as you realize, nothing you wrote made sense, let alone was interesting.

As evident from the time gap since I last posted, writer’s block has plagued me for the past few weeks. I’ve sat down at the computer screen numerous times to write. I’ve waited until the house was quiet, lit candles, put on calming music, set the proverbial “mood” if you will, but to no avail.

But today I am determined to write. I am determined to post something. So forgive me if my post lacks direction, substance, or if it bores you to tears. The best remedy for writer’s block is to write, ignore the delete button, and show that annoying cursor who’s boss…

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Part of the reason I have been so behind on my posts can be blamed on the elaborate affair I threw for my little girls birthday party.  To say it was simply a princess party wouldn’t do it justice. No, it was a freakin’ royal celebration if I do say so myself. A party, that I believe, topped the previous parties (a grand total of two) I’ve thrown. A party that might even make Kelle Hampton proud.

I spent months (yes, months) planning, organizing, and dreaming up this party for my girls. Lily has been thrown herself into ‘all things princess’ within the past six months and has dragged her otherwise oblivious baby sister into princess world with her. Both girls will sit and watch any given Disney princess movie start to finish without so much as a peep.  Lily sings along with each sweet song, Charley “sings” the “oohs and aahs” at the appropriate time, and both will get up and dance to any song with an upbeat melody.  As a result, choosing a theme was hardly a difficult task.

Putting together the vision I had in my head was another story.

Thank goodness for friends who understand your creative process… 

 …and how with a little work, cardboard can be made into anything.
The party planning was not without one casualty. 
Lily decided to give Doc a bath before the party…in the oil filled deep fryer. Oye.

I envisioned glitter. I envisioned pink. I envisioned tiaras.

In essence, I envisioned a magical birthday party fit for two beautiful princesses.

Each evening after the girls went to bed, I spent hours planning every.last.detail of the party.  Several times I am sure my husband considered having me committed as I scoured Pinterest for new ideas and frequently exclaimed “I could so do this!” Or as I spent over two hours trying to precisely wrap an irregularly shaped yogurt cup in scrapbook paper. But, at the end of the day after our house had been transformed into all its princess glory, my husband agreed it’s all about the details…
 Centerpieces on each table represented each princess

 Homemade cupcakes (and by ‘homemade’ I mean prepared from a box and iced by yours truly)

 The ‘chandelier’ that hung in the center of the family room

 Gift bags for each prince and princess.

 Get it? In The Little Mermaid Ariel refers to a fork as a ‘dinglehopper.’

Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair…

 Our menu included Prince Charming’s Cheesy Potatoes, Beauty and Roast Beast Sandwiches, Cinderella & Stepmother Meatballs (Sweet and Sour), Sleeping Beauty Salad, Rapunzel Rigatoni, and Snow White’s Good and Evil Salad (Apple and Snicker Salad).

But let’s face it, the big surprises add even more enchantment.

 Lily in Cinderella’s carriage

 The Magic Mirror

 Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

A room fit for a princess and her royal guests

And what better to illicit feelings of enchantment than a personal appearance by Snow White herself?

As of today, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny have nothing on Snow White.  Santa and the Bunny may bring goodies, but lets face it, they are always MIA when the magical moment strikes. That magical moment in a child’s eyes when they wake up in the morning and see the transformation that has occurred over night.  But on this day, Snow White was there. She was real. She was magical.

To say that Snow White’s appearance was Lily’s highlight of the party is a complete understatement.  It didn’t require hours of planning, second degree burns from a hot glue gun, or glittered puffy paint like the other party details, but it’s safe to say, this was the most memorable. This is something Lily will remember for years to come… and we will all be sure to tell Charlotte about when she is old enough to understand the amount of work that went in to creating a grand princess affair for our princesses.  And how all the hours, the glue, and cardboard hoarding was completely worth it. You can’t put a price on smiles like these…