
I should try to convince you that I have it all together, that I have it all figured out.  I should paint a picture of successful woman with a career in medicine, a faithful marriage, four kind-hearted children and a passion to share life experiences with honesty and compassion.  I should tell you daisies adorn my kitchen table, my house always smells like freshly baked cookies and my friends never have to push laundry aside as they curl up on my couch to chat.  Perhaps, I should say all of this and you’ll think, “yes. I want to be friends with her.  She seems to put-together, calm and charismatic.

But, it’s so not true.  More importantly, I’ve realized that I develop much more meaningful relationships with people when I am honest and vulnerable.

Truth #1: My name is Kate and most days I have absolutely no idea what I am doing, where I am going and how it is all going to get done… and I used to just pray that no one noticed. These days I wear my struggles proudly and boast my scars with pride.

Truth #2: I practice medicine as a physician assistant. I also practice parenting. I haven’t mastered either of these professions and I am actively working on both of them. Some days I’m supermom, balancing the demands of being a mother of four…somedays I’m the worst mom in the world before 9am. Some days I nail it and other days I’m just thankful to survive without pulling out all of my hair. (Although I will continue to pull out any and all grey hairs).

Truth #3: I’m a police wife. This means that since 2008, I’m no longer a “normal” wife. It means that our family faces challenges that other families can’t understand, but we are blessed to be surrounded by an amazing support system consisting of those who wear the badge and by those who stand behind it.

Truth #4: I’m a creative junkie. My career leaves little room for creativity so I jump at the opportunity to let my imagination go wild with party planning for my kids and creating magical moments and traditions for our family. I’m a sucker for a good themed-party and Ill look for any excuse to throw one.

Truth #5: For the past ten years I have tried to fit myself into a niche that made everyone else comfortable. I convinced myself that I couldn’t be the walking contradiction of both black and white, Type A and Type B, even though I exhibited strong characteristics of both.  This led me to feel uncomfortable in my skin and grasping for a sense of self… a yearning to feel confident in who I am as a woman. I have read books, listened to podcasts, watched videos on coaches trying to convince me that I can not have it all and in order to be happy and successful I need to be selective in terms of goals.

I call bullsh*t.

I have a rewarding career. I have a faithful marriage. I have four kind-hearted children. I have hobbies that light my heart on fire.

I wanted it all and that is what I got.

In this little space of the internet I hope to share stories that will make you feel less alone, provide insight on how to maintain your “all” and build a community where we can encourage others to chase all dreams.

We CAN have it all, we just can’t DO it all alone.

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