Self-Reflection: Why it is Important and Where to Begin

One of the greatest blessings in life is that every day you are given the opportunity to change, improve and develop. But one of the most difficult challenges we face as we get older is that each day you are given the opportunity to change, improve and develop as a person. Change isn’t easy. It isn’t required and in many cases it is met with resistance. With change comes consequences and fear of the unknown. But choosing to stay still (and yes, it is a choice) is not only boring and predictable but arguably has the potential to be just as destructive and dangerous.

Refusing to grow or even consider change will leave you suffering, because change is fundamental to human life. Resisting change will leave you struggling against yourself as well as society. The world continues to evolve so why aren’t you? As you gain more experiences, relationships and knowledge shouldn’t you also gain new perspectives and insight too? Most importantly, shouldn’t you be seeking insight not just externally by trying to understand the world, but also engage in self-reflection and inwardly attempt to find insight?

Let’s put it another way:

When was the last time you ran a security scan on your computer?

When was the last time you tested the smoke detectors in your home?

Have you ever cleaned the filters of your furnace?

Changed the oil in your car?

These assessments are done regularly to ensure that your electronics and devices work appropriately, continue to run efficiently, keep you safe and prevent damage or dysfunction. However we rarely check and evaluate our own inner workings to see if we are still living with integrity and grace.

When was the last time you scrutinized your beliefs and asked yourself “why?”

Why do I believe this?
Do I still believe this?
Is this view still relevant?
Does this mentality serve me well and even more importantly does is serve others? Who does it not serve?
How is this belief allowing me to grow? How is it holding me back?
Where does this belief come from? Was this ever truly my belief or was it placed on my shoulders by someone else? Have I adopted this principle as my own because it was gifted to me by my parents, friends or society? Or was it created by my past life circumstances that may no longer apply?

I encourage you to answer these questions as honestly as possible.

Now, remove the cloak of self-preservation.
Answer the questions again.

Remove your glasses, sit blindly for awhile and then borrow the glasses of your enemies.
Answer the questions again.

Tear away all layers of pride, indoctrination, animosity, hurt, oppression, greed and envy. If you don’t think these exist within you, go back and start the process again because no one is free from these faults.

When you are left feeling raw, exposed and utterly vulnerable

answer the questions again.

It’s important that we evaluate ourselves frequently. It is not enough to continue to believe the same story or to tell yourself the same narrative that you have for years simply because it has always been your view. As your life evolves and new experiences arise, your beliefs also need to be brought into question; not because they are necessarily wrong, but because you owe it to yourself to determine if these beliefs are still true or if you have simply fallen into the comfortable valley of mediocrity.

Now answer the questions again.

Go ahead, I’ll wait.

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