To My Biggest Fan

When I started this blog, I never thought I would have the number of readers that I currently have.  I honestly thought my blog posts would never circulate beyond my mom, closest girlfriends, and maybe a few college friends who were curious to see how my life had turned out after my ‘partying with the hockey team’ days.  Little did I know a few of my popular posts would be read by complete strangers. Strangers who had been ‘referred’ by other frequent readers to which I would be introduced as “this is the girl whose blog I told you about!” Strangers who had stubbled across my blog by googling something completely unrelated such as “toes run over by wheelchair”. Strangers who would send emails, Facebook messages, or leave comments about their reactions to my posts.

For the most part, the comments fuel my desire to write. In a way, they validate my writing. With each comment, email or Facebook “like” I can hear a tiny cheerleading squad chanting “they like you, they like you, they really really like you.” And perhaps even a “Go! Fight! Write!” with an imaginary toe-touch for good measure.

But sometimes, the fact that people I have never met can hear my stories, read my thoughts, and are granted permission to see into my life is well, completely terrifying. There’s no filter as to who can read my blog and most can do so anonymously. Scary, right? When I started blogging back in 2009 I made the conscious decision to make the blog public as opposed to checking the safe and not-so-scary ‘private’ box allowing only invited guests to read the blog.  I just had no idea what I was in for readers turning up in the strangest places… like at my husband’s job.

To my number one fan (aka Officer Nosy),

I write you this letter to thank you for your days (ah hem, nights) of loyal blog reading… even if the reading does take place when you are supposed to be patrolling the streets and are being paid on the taxpayer’s dime.

As a wife of an officer, I frequently blog about the frustrations I face and the life I live as a police wife; the loneliness, the worry, the sisterhood bond between police wives. However I have tried to maintain a sense of decorum and have therefore refrained from writing about certain topics that may seem disrespectful or tasteless.  I have been waiting for reviews from those in law enforcement  and I appreciate your praise and devotion.  Knowing that I have even just one faithful badge-wearing reader gives me the confidence to write about some of the real issues weighing on this police wife’s mind, issues that would otherwise go left unheard from the mouth of a police wife.  Issues, like forced overtime.

While it is flattering knowing that someone beyond my usual reader demographic finds my words captivating, I am more excited to be able to assume that crime in your city must be at an all time low as your shifts can be spent reading my ramblings instead of breaking up domestic disputes, catching drunk drivers, or writing traffic tickets. 

Lastly, I am thankful to be a part of a police family that encourages a strong family unit at home. Having another officer in the department take such an interest in my marriage and family life, making sure my husband and I stay connected by reminding him that one of my favorite movies is Gone with the Wind, goes beyond the ‘brotherhood’ I am accustomed to.  My husband is usually a very private person, so having someone read his wife’s personal thoughts and then question him about it, sure does brighten his day.  

Thank you for your days of loyal readership. I hope I can continue to entertain and inspire you.

Kate Kranz 

Two Pink Lines and Double D’s

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Today I sat down, hoping to catch up on the endless amount of blog posts that I have been meaning to write. And by ‘meaning to write” I mean “I have six half-assed posts written and saved under ‘drafts’ just waiting to be completed and published.  But I know myself. Those will never be written, at least not in individual posts. There just aren’t enough hours in the day and in the Kranz household, the days seem to be getting shorter by the minute.

Why are our days getting shorter you ask?

Because two weeks ago we were blindsided with some exciting and overwhelming news when a tiny white stick revealed two blue lines.

And then the second stick also revealed two blue lines.

And so did the physician’s pregnancy test strip.

Ready or not, we are unexpectedly expecting baby number three!

To say we were surprised, is quite the understatement. (For those of you who have already had the pleasure of hearing the ‘how we found out’ story, or get squimish when someone utters the phrase “my period is late,” feel free to scroll past the next few paragraphs.)

Two weeks ago, I made an announcement to Marty as he sprawled himself on the couch after tucking the girls in bed. “Guess what?  I’m late.”

Marty: “Late-late or Kate-late?” (Kate-late is defined as being more than 12 hours late which ultimately means you are, without a doubt, pregnant).

“I don’t know. Three days late.”

“Psh, that’s nothing. Stop freaking out. You always think you are pregnant and you never are. Besides, you’re on the pill. Just relax.”

So I did… until the next evening when I was still late.

As we walked around the putt-putt course with our friends I casually mentioned to Jen “Dude, I’m late.” By the look on her face you would have thought I told her I had bomb in my diaper bag and was ready to take out the golf course windmill.

“What do you mean you’re late? Take a test! You have to take a test!”

By now Marty interjected, “She does not need to take a test. She isn’t pregnant. She always thinks she is and she isn’t.”

We continued to chase our toddlers as they chased their golf balls around the 18-but-felt-like-81 holes and then settled in for a soft pretzel and diet coke on the patio. As our husbands chatted about cops-and-robbers stuff, Jen quietly urged “Dude, you have to take a test. Like now… or tomorrow morning. And call me as soon as you do. Holy shit what if you are pregnant?!”

“Get off my porch little girl or I’ll smack ya with my golf club!”

The next morning as I drove into work, I bypassed my regular hot chocolate pitstop and instead swung into Walgreens. As I paced the aisles, I casually tossed random items into my basket. Lip gloss, Swedish fish candy, nail polish remover, Gatorade. Anything to cover up the two pack of pregnancy tests that occupied the bottom of the basket. Anything to avoid “the look” from the cashier that screams “Good luck girl.”

Since my husband didn’t want me taking a test as he was ‘positive I wasn’t pregnant,” I called a friend for a ‘pre-pregnancy test pep talk.’ She laughed when I told her that I planned to take a test before work and reassured me that I was stressing myself out over nothing, as I had done so many other times in the past. With a newfound confidence I tucked my pregnancy tests under my arm and headed into the bathroom at work.

For any woman who has taken an ‘unexpected’ pregnancy test, the two minutes it takes for the test results to be revealed can seem to take hours.  At that moment, I would have killed for those two minutes…because within seconds (yes, seconds) the test was positive.


As in “ready or not Kate, you’re soon to be the mother of three.”

I ran out of the bathroom (okay, it was more of a brisk walk) and into the office break room where my poor unsuspecting co-worker (also pregnant) was trying to hold down her lunch. Apparently my face said too much and before I made it out the door she ask “What’s wrong with you? You’re as white as a sheet.”

“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out. Saying those words felt completely awkward. “Holy shit Rachel, I’m pregnant!” (I think I shoved my pee-stick in her face and demanded her to read it to me, as if I needed a second opinion when it came to reading two pink lines.)

I don’t remember what she said in response, something about ‘we told you not to drink the water here,’ because I was half way out the door with my phone in one hand and fate-on-a-stick in the other hand.

“You were wrong!” I shrieked when Haley answered the phone. “I am pregnant!”


And then laughter.

She laughed, because the truth was, nothing surprises her when it came to our family.  Each year our family is slammed with a change that uproots us from our comfortable place and makes us re-evaluate and rearrange our lives to better handle our new life situation.  It had been a few months since my last “alright-you-aren’t-going-to-believe-this” phone call, so it was bound to happen sometime soon. And today was the day.

Today was the day our world changed, again.

The rest of the day I walked through the office in a fog, trying to focus on my patient’s questions, demands, and ailments, but I couldn’t get the fear of going home out of my head. How in the world was I going to tell Marty? How could I tell him that the baby we had only talked about trying for in January/ February would now be here in the spring?

That night, I drove home desperately trying to devise a plan to announce to my husband that I was indeed ‘with child’.  I began thinking back to seven years ago when he proposed and asked me to be his forever. I remember the planning that went into that night and the pure surprise and excitement I felt when he popped the question.  After that night, I dreamed of when I could be the one to surprise him, to be the one to announce a surprise that would change our lives forever.  I didn’t get that moment with our first pregnancy. I didn’t get that with our second pregnancy. This may be my only shot… and I had nothing.

When I found my little family playing in the backyard, sitting on lawn chairs, discussing whatever it is that little girls discuss with their daddies, I had to hold my breath in fear that I would blurt out the news without so much as a warning.  I’d like to say I came up with a jaw-dropping and clever way of announcing my pregnancy to my husband, but I did not. In fact, I cowardly tried convincing my three year old to make the announcement for me.

She refused. I think it was her (and God’s) way of saying “sorry honey, it’s all you. Suck it up.”

I approached my husband, tears in my eyes and said “I have never been so afraid to tell you something before… but I have something to tell you.”


“I’m pregnant.”


Then laughter.

Apparently I kept missing the punch line.

“Very funny Kate. You can’t be pregnant. You’re on birth control. Just because you are late, doesn’t mean you are pregnant. Just relax.”

“Three positive pregnancy tests would prove otherwise, Marty. I am pregnant.”

Now it was Marty’s face to turn white as a sheet… and to put his head between his knees.

When he regained his composure he adamantly requested to see the tests. All three tests. One wasn’t sufficient, he had to see all three.  I giggled nervously as I handed him the tests, the kind of laughter that I usually reserve for funerals, break-ups, and my yearly gynecologic exam. But when I saw his face, really saw his face when the realization sank in, I lost it.

I cried.

Right there, in our backyard where the neighbors could hear my sobs and were likely judging me during my ‘terrible mother moment’ as I sobbed “Im so sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t plan this either. Not now, it’s not what we planned. I’m so sorry.

And then that husband of mine, reminded me exactly why I said yes and decided to marry him seven years ago. He gently grabbed me by the shoulders, looked into my eyes, and chuckled (because grown men don’t giggle).  “Kate, do not apologize. After all, it’s not like you did this by yourself!”

And that was that.

Prepared or not, baby number three is on it’s way and even though it is a few months earlier than we had originally planned, this baby was always a part of our life’s plan. We had an idea as to how our family would grow, but God’s plan was greater.

And God? He doesn’t make mistakes.

***                      ***                      ***                      ***                      ***                      ***                     ***

I’d like to introduce two new advertisers on my blog. I’m rather lucky to know some amazingly talented mommies who love to design beautiful creations for little ones. Check out the link to their pages on the right hand side of the page. You’ll fall in love with their work, trust me.

Welcome Darling Delilah and Delaney’s Den!
(Get it? Double D’s.)
Hair accessories by Darling Delilah
Children’s clothing by Delaney’s Den

I Wanted It All…

I always had difficulty defining who I was. I have friends that are incredibly easy to classify or describe. The artsy friend, the silly adventurous friend, the mommy friend, the type A friend.  I never felt like I fit into any distinct label or that I could be “summed up.”  I felt like I had many interests, none of which meshed well together.  I wasn’t the crafty one, the sporty one, or the fashionable one.  I was constantly trying to be a certain type of person, but no matter what I tried I always felt like I didn’t quite fit into the role.  Square peg, round hole. But when I was younger, I knew exactly who I wanted to be when I grew up.

I wanted to be a writer, live in Boston, wander the streets in my long peacoat and wear glasses that made me look much more distinguished than I really was.  I could see myself, sipping an over-priced coffee in a dimly lit coffee shop as I eagerly typed away on my laptop.  I’d live in a studio apartment decorated with unique and rustic-charm pieces. I’d get married, have children and continue to write.  My laptop would overlook a large lush green year and tiny finger prints would coat the white french doors.  I’d be a stay at home mom and I’d be a writer. I would be a “type”. I would be that type. The writer type.

Somewhere along the way though, those dreams changed.  It didn’t occur overnight, it just happened. The lines between what I wanted to do and what I should do started to blur together and before I knew it, elements of my childhood dream were no longer. Some stayed the same (marriage, children, etc) but others were long gone. At a point in my life when I thought that everything should be falling into place and I would be coming into my own, I suddenly had no idea who I was.

And I’ll admit, this freaked me out.

For the past few years I’ve been frustrated that if given the task of explaining myself in one word, I couldn’t do it.  In fact, if I were asked to be a Spice Girl, I would be _____spice.  I tried on several different metaphorical hats, but none seemed to define who I was or who I wanted to be.

I’d think to myself, “I want to be the kind of mom/wife/friend/woman that does/wears/says  ____.” 
But my next thought would be, “Who are you trying to kid? You can’t pull that off. You’re not that type.”

It wasn’t until I thought about it, really thought about it, when I realized, screw the Spice Girls.  Can one word really describe a person?  Shouldn’t I be proud that I can’t be summarized into a “type”.  I can’t be explained in one word. 

I want more than to be the career-driven PA, more than the mother of two (for now), more than a wife, more than a writer.  In the end, I wanted it all.

And that is what I got.


A special thanks to Cordial Punch Press (formerly Paper Dahlia Design)  for the amazing header for my blog.  If you haven’t checked out her website or Facebook page yet, you definitely should.  Her work is simply amazing and you won’t be disappointed.

Cordial Punch Press

Cordial Punch Press Facebook Page