Three Momma’s Loving Three Chromosomes

A few weeks ago, I posted about friends that are near and dear to my heart. Tonight, I got to thinking about those friendships, those relationships between women that connect us all as mothers and as women. Some of them I have met, others I chat with online, others I have exchanged occasional emails with back and forth. But these three women, they have no idea what they have brought into my life and how I am a better mother because of them.

At first, I would joke that it was the almond-eyed beauties with a magical extra chromosome that linked these mothers together.  My Instagram feed is filled with pictures of their children’s smiling faces and I would gush over them as I would show my husband, my friends, and co-workers exclaiming “look at this beautiful child!’

It wasn’t until a few days ago when I truly realized what linked these women together and the reason why I admire each of them individually… and it extends beyond that extra chromosome in their family tree. Truth is, these three mothers are the epitome of strength, courage, and unconditional love.

Kelle, now a rather famous mommy blogger and New York Times best selling author, openly shared her pain, heartbreak and loss that came with giving birth to a child with unexpected Down Syndrome.   Since Nella’s birth she has openly blogged about the storm that accompanied Nella’s diagnosis as well as the rainbow that followed.  In her book Bloom (a must-read for any mother I might add), she documents the pain she experienced when she first brought Nella into the world, and momma didn’t hold back. In fact, it was the honest, raw, and vivid account of her devastation that brought me to tears and left me thinking “I could see myself being friends with her.” Nothing about Nella’s birth story was sugar coated… well, unless you count the champagne glasses with Nella’s name on them, the pink gift boxes for visitors and the countless gorgeous pictures taken of her birth, because let’s face it that isn’t the experience that most mothers experience. Two years later however, Kelle has taken the heartbreak in stride and focuses primarily on being a mother. Not a mother of a child with Down Syndrome, but a mother.

Patti is a remarkable mother for so many reasons, ten reasons in fact… and soon to be eleven.  Yes, you read that right, in a few short months Patti will bring her eleventh child into this world.  Her tenth child, a perfect Lily, has that magical extra chromosome. But the love that this family radiates and shines upon this little girl is truly amazing and admirable. As if taking care of her large and growing family isn’t enough for this momma, she continues to make her mark on the world by advocating for orphan children with mental and physical handicaps that desperately need a mommy and a daddy to love them unconditionally. Who will bring them into their home, hug them, tuck them in at night, and tell them “I will always love you.” Because love does not count chromosomes.

And Kelly, the momma whose heart I am praying for tonight, is a remarkable woman… although if I had to guess, she would deny her amazingness wholeheartedly.  Months ago, I wrote a post about lovely little Charlotte who waited across the world for her momma to come bring her home, into a home that didn’t care about her extra chromosome.  Since that post, Charlotte is happy, thriving and at home with her forever family.  But this Momma, although her heart beamed with love for her daughter that now cuddled in her arms, couldn’t forget the hopeful and longing eyes of those children she left behind.  And so, the decision was made to bring not just one more child home and into their family, but two.  Two little girls with special needs in need of a special mommy.  There is no doubt that Kelly and her husband are blazing new trails as they embark on their journey to bring home two more daughters.  And tonight, Kelly’s heart is undoubtedly spanning the ocean and resides with her soon-to-be youngest daughter as Annie prepares to have a heart condition repaired tomorrow morning.  Not even a year old, little Annie is about to undergo a major surgery with the hopes that it will improve her health and help her grow and thrive.  To Kelly, her husband, and many others, Annie is already perfect… her tiny heart just hasn’t caught up to her perfection yet.

Please join me in sending prayers, love and thoughts to both Kelly and her Annie tonight/tomorrow as undergoes her heart surgery. Hopefully this will bring Annie and Kelly’s other daughter Josie, one step closer to coming home.

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